Hello everyone! We hosted a Kickstarter Q&A with Stephane Cotichini, Game Director and Founder at 81monkeys again! This time, he'll talk about the ongoing success of his current Kickstarter campaign and much much more!

[.c-highlight]You can listen to the full audio recording above! We’ve broken down all the questions and topics below so you can get a nice feel for what was discussed[.c-highlight]
Questions / Topics
- Cool techno music
- Stephane introduces himself, the studio, the game, and their current Kickstarter!
- Stephane walks us through his process of creating the Kickstarter
- He discusses the history and journey and how that led them to launch the Kickstarter
- Funding issues when launching a Kickstarter
- What does he mean by he, “felt like he was the only one that believed we could hit our reasonable funding/goal."
- Kickstarter has started! How did it shift from being negative to positive?
- Conversation rate of sign-ups to pledges?
- YouTuber critiques the Kickstarter page
- What Stephane believes is most important about a Kickstarter
- How the changing of a downward trend to an upward one is tough and rare
- What is luck?
- Steps that they took pre-Kickstarter that he felt helped them
- Pitching the game
- Testing the tagline
- What was the decision behind the Kickstarter video (which is just the trailer)?
- How did they come up with the monetary amount for the goal?
- Profit Margins of the Kickstarter, Pricing
- Physical goods as an add-on? Part of a tier?
- What is the value you’re giving your backers vs the investment you’re getting in the game
- What do their Stretch Goals look like? Why did they decide to not show all of them at once?
- Stephane had to head out early due to a fire alarm at his building
Nate discusses “Surprise and Delight”, a marketing concept
Holding back your stretch goals can help you in other ways
Fancy Links_
World of Anterra website
Studio website
Participate and ask questions in future events live in our Discord!